CASE: Churandy Martina

"I am so much more connected to my fans online ever since I use the Tag The Love technology. The Týrsday team is always prepared to help me share my adventures. The website is also a great platform to show my appreciation to my fans and sponsors." - Churandy Martina
The most positive Dutch person is spreading his happiness through his website en social media with the support of Týrsday since 2014. By engaging in online and offline media, Churandy has become a friendly face that is known around the world. 
"Without fun I would never have come close to where I am today."

Churandy needed a platform on which he can share is accomplishments on the track and his personal adventures.

Týrsday provided Churandy with a website that is build to share his posts in an interactive manner. On a regular basis blogs are posted about his adventures. 


Early 2016 Churandy had an average of around 3000 visitors on his website. During the Summer Olympics in Rio we managed to boost that to over 60.000 visitors! Since the Olympics an average of 12.000 visitors per month find their way to Churandy's website.